More Trump Lies about the Wall

Today 1/02/2019 Donald Trump tweeted: “Mexico is paying for the Wall through the new USMCA Trade Deal. Much of the Wall has already been fully renovated or built.”

There are several issues with this tweet from Trump The Lying King:

  1. The USMCA Trade Deal has not even been approved yet.
  2. There is nothing in the proposed USMCA Trade deal that states money from the Trade Deal is to be earmarked for the building of a Wall.
  3. Since Canada is part of the USMCA deal, is Trump also claiming that Canada is also paying for the Wall?
  4. None of the Wall has been built. Money has been appropriated for the repairing of fencing, but none has ever been appropriated for the Wall.

As we all are aware of, Donald Trump has never let actual facts get in the way of a good lie.

Enjoy the Congressional Hearings into the Trump Crime Family.

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