Trump’s potential acceptance speech protesters, and Trump’s potential acceptance speech notes

We now know that Donald Trump will ignore ethics, and use the White House for political purposes, by delivering his acceptance speech on the South Lawn of the White House.

We now know that Donald Trump will ignore ethics, and use other Federal Government buildings close to his Washington DC Trump Hotel for several of the Republican Convention speeches.

We now know, that Trump has increased the prices of the rooms at his nearby Washington DC Trump Hotel by 60% during the Republican Convention. Trump supporters can now reportedly, get a room at his hotel for between $695.00 and $2,300.00. This must be Trump’s way of thanking the Republicans for coming, and lining his pockets at their expense.

The fact that Trump will use the South Lawn of the White House to deliver his Republican Nomination Acceptance speech opens up the possibility of some negative reactions, and some possible additional precautions, which may need to be considered:

  1. Will using the White House for a political event further demonstrate that Donald Trump is using the office of the Presidency for his own political purposes?
  2. Does using the South Lawn of the White House for his speech open up the possibility of demonstrators who have fresh memories of recently being tear gassed, and brutally removed from the area, deciding to return during Trump’s speech?
  3. Would the sounds made by these potential protesters be heard in the background or possibly drown out Trump’s speech?
  4. Will Trump need to issue a curfew for the night of his speech?
  5. Does Trump even have the power to issue such a curfew, or does this power belong to the Mayor of Washington DC?
  6. If Trump is able to issue a curfew, who is going to be around to watch his fireworks display with him?
  7. Can a curfew be issued to only allow Republicans and Trump supporters on the streets, and how would law enforcement enforce such a curfew?


While I (Donald Trump) was denying that the COVID-19 Virus was coming to America, the economy was BOOMING!

While I was denying that the COVID-19 Virus was here in America, unemployment was at a record low. After I admitted the COVID-19 Virus was here, unemployment skyrocketed, which proves that I never should have admitted the Virus was here.

Before I admitted the COVID-19 Virus was actually here in America, I had raised the National Debt by less than four (4) Trillion Dollars, now the National Debt has increased almost seven (7) Trillion Dollars since I took office. If I had not admitted the COVID-19 Virus was here, this would not have happened.

Only 150,000 additional Americans have died since I demanded that we re-open the country. This proves once again, that I was correct when I said it was safe to re-open the Country, and also proves that it is safe to re-open our schools for in-person classes. This also proves that we can safely start the college football season, and pack hundreds of thousands of fans into the college football Stadiums.

The only way I can lose this election is if people vote. Voter fraud is caused by people voting, just like pregnancies are caused by pregnancy tests, and breast cancer is caused by breast examinations, which by the way, I am personally doing tomorrow in the Oval Office.

Only seven (7) members of my Campaign staff, my Administration and my inner circle of advisers have been either Arrested, Convicted or Plead Guilty to Crimes.

I would like to close my remarks by giving Special Thanks to the following people:

Special Thanks to the Republican Party for refusing to allow any people with first-hand eyewitness evidence to testify during my Impeachment Trial.

Special Thanks to the husband of one of my Cabinet Members, Mitch McConnell, for being the Jury Foreman in my Impeachment Trial, and working hand in hand with my defense team.

And finally, a Very Special Thanks to Attorney General William Barr for ignoring his responsibilities and oath to defend the Constitution Of The United States, and instead devote his efforts towards defending me, and firing all of the US Prosecutors and Inspectors Generals who had the balls to investigate me.

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