Donald Trump is no Uncle Sam. Why would anyone enlist while he is in office?

On Memorial Day 2017 Donald Trump visited Arlington Cemetery with John Kelly. While standing in front of the grave of John Kelly’s son, who had been killed serving our country, Donald Trump said “I don’t get it. What was in it for them?”

Donald Trump does not understand how “serving and protecting their country” could possible be the answer to “What is in it for them?”

Donald Trump decided to run for the Presidency after he evaluated the “what is in it for me” question. Donald Trump’s wanted the Presidency to “serve himself”, not the country. Trump does not understand “public service”

Donald Trump is no Uncle Sam. Uncle Sam said “I Want You!” Donald Trump says “You are a Sucker and You are a Loser”.

Donald Trump is a man who dodged the draft five (5) times with phony medical excuses.

Donald Trump is a man who threatened to disown his son if he son joined the Military.

Donald Trump is a man who demanded his prenuptial agreement with Marla Maples include a clause stating child support for his daughter Tiffany stop if she joined the Military.

Donald Trump is a man who said John McCain was Not a War Hero because he was captured.

Donald Trump is a man who believes any person in the Military who is captured of killed are “Suckers and Losers”

Donald Trump is a man who when exposed to a Military officer who he considered to be very smart said “He is very smart, why is he in the Military?

Donald Trump is a man who said while visiting the graves of Soldiers who were killed in battle asked “What was in it for them”

Donald Trump is a man who refused to visit the graves of fallen American soldiers in Paris, saying “Why should I go there? They are all Losers”

Why would any American want to serve in the military when their Commander in Chief considers them suckers & losers, and would never allow himself or his family to serve in the Military?

Why would any Military Veteran vote for a man who has no appreciation for their service to our country?

Donald Trump is No “Uncle Sam“. Donald Trump is “Draft Dodging Donnie” Donald Trump is the “What is in it for me” President

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